This graduated program will assist in rediscovering your potential or building strength in preparation for Surgery.
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Chae K.J., Choi M.J., Kim K.Y., Ajayi F.F., Chang I.S., Kim I.S. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Osteoarthritis: Care and Management. Natl Clin Guidel Cent (UK) 2014
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Nelligan, R. K., Hinman, R. S., Kasza, J., Crofts, S. J. C., & Bennell, K. L. (2021). Effects of a Self-directed Web-Based Strengthening Exercise and Physical Activity Program Supported by Automated Text Messages for People With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA internal medicine, 181(6), 776–785.